Please accept our invitation to join us for Sunday morning worship. We call it Divine Service because, our Lord Jesus Christ has promised that where two or three are gathered in His Name He will be with us. He also made it clear that those who follow Him continue to gather together around His Word. (John 8:31) We gather together around God's Word known as the Holy Bible which the Holy Spirit has given to us through God’s recorded interaction with His people.
This time of gathering is typically about an hour long and is what we call a worship service.
Our worship service comes directly from the Word of God not the word of man. We speak, sing, and confess the very words which the Holy Spirit has given to us. The flow of our worship is that God speaks to us through His Word, and we respond back to Him by speaking His Word. This is a constant back and forth interaction between Christ and His Church of believers. We receive God’s promised blessings through the work of the Holy Spirit as we hear God’s Word. This is the way in which God calls, gathers, enlightens, makes holy, and keeps His church on earth in the true Christian Faith.
During the service twice a month we have what is called the Lord's Supper as it was instituted by the Lord or Holy Communion as we gather with like minded followers of the Savior set apart to be His people. Jesus has told us to “Do this Supper in remembrance of Him.” It is The Lord’s meal for His followers to partake in. We take His Words to heart when He said to us through His Apostles, "This is my Body... This is my Blood" That the Risen Jesus is with us not only spiritually but supernaturally since He is true man as well as true God having taken on humanity in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul speaks clearly of our eating and drinking of the bread and wine as a "participation" in the Body and Blood of the Savior. (I Corinthians 10:16) Those who have received this teaching of God's Word with faith and became members of our congregation or a sister congregations come forward to receive that Christ into themselves. As Christ was truly present with His Old Testament people as they wandered the wilderness toward the promised land, "They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ." (1 Corinthians 10:3-5), so He is with us in the bread and wine of His presence through the authority of His Word. Those who are coming forward to the Lord’s Supper are stating they have a Common-relationship with those at the communion with them. As Lutherans we hold to the Word of God as understood by Martin Luther and taught by the Small Catechism in our congregation. .
An hour before the Service we have fellowship around God's Word with a cup of coffee if desired. It is a time to gather together to ask questions and receive answers to life's perplexing challenges and to encourage one another to walk the faith in our daily life.